
Showing posts from March, 2025

Review: Karen's Grandmothers by DK Yingst and Ann M Martin

DK Yingst's debut Little Sister graphic novel adaption, Karen's Grandmother's (and ninth in the series overall) is a winner. This time around, we see Karen participating in a programme at school where the kids 'adopt' a grandparent at the local nursing home. Karen is very excited at the prospect. Thanks to her status as a 'two-two' this means she will now have five grandmothers overall--two biological grandmothers, two step grandmother and now an adopted grandmother. She thinks it might even be a record. The only flaw in this plan is that her little house bestie Nancy Dawes isn't sharing in her excitement. Nancy doesn't have a grandmother, she is afraid of old people and she most defiantly does not wish to take part in the programme. Karen needs a way to show Nancy that old people are pretty cool, but what happens when she sets Nancy and one of her grandmothers up as pen pals, and Granny from Nebraska starts taking more of an interest in Nancy and li...

Review: What Does It Feel Like by Sophie Kinsella

In April 2024 beloved author Sophie Kinsella, whose bestsellers include The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic (titled Confessions of Shopaholic in the USA) and Can You Keep a Secret revealed that she had been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer and had been receiving treatment since 2022. What Does It Feel Like is a semi-autobiographical account of her experiences--of making it as an author, getting onto the bestseller lists, seeing a book made into a movie and then finding herself in hospital, unable to remember the past few months and being given a very scary diagnosis.  Evie, the protagonist in What Does It Feel Like is not Sophie Kinsella, but their experiences are very similar. Broken into small chapters we experience Evie's highs and lows, her success, her diagnosis, treatment and, ultimately, a sense of hope. I found myself reaching for the tissues on a few occasions while I became fully invested in Evie's journey. The ending is not a fa...