Review: Dress Rehearsals by Madison Godfrey

Through Dress Rehearsals Madison Godfrey explores notions of femininity and performing womanhood. It is an interesting concept, told through prose poetry and by an author who is non binary. The collection is divided into three sections--part one tells of the author's younger days, of the teenage fangirl wanting to 'appear sexy' and being treated badly by men and accepting it. As one poem documents Mysogyny takes centre stage and no one walks out, not even me (page 19). In part two there is a greater awareness of self and a longing to be like another woman, while part three is interested in gender more generally.

This was an interesting, thought provoking glimpse into a life that is quite unlike mine. Madison Godfrey writes beautifully and dives deep into their own experiences of both the internal and external self to ponder notions of gender. I read this over the course of three evenings, one per night and found myself impressed each time.



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