Review: Lovesick by Jean Flynn
This was an interesting romance that remains fun and lightweight, despite exploring some dark themes. One of the central characters is suffering a serious mental health issue, while Beth ends up caught in a spiral of medical examinations and heavy going tests, because she cannot properly describe her anxiety symptoms to her GP, something that many readers may be able to relate to. Another central character has well, a type of addiction that causes them to behave badly, and recklessly. However, the novel is let down in places. The pacing isn't as good or as tight as it could be, and I would have loved to have seen a scene where Shane stood up to Jess and told her to keep out of his relationship with Beth. The ending itself feels a little rushed, and some parts a bit too convenient. On the other hand, there's a lot of fun to be had, and the author has done a commendable job of introducing dark themes into a romance.