Review: Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman and Illustrated by Chris Riddell

A series of four short essays by author Neil Gaiman are brilliantly brought to life by Chris Riddell in this beautiful hardcover book. Art Matters is something of a call to arms, encouraging all to make art a part of their every day lives--by using their imaginations, by reading fiction, by using libraries and ultimately, creating their own work and not giving up when things become difficult. 

I found this one to be an inspiring book, one that had the good fortune to arrive in the post just as I needed it most. Since then, I've greedily read it two or three times before deciding to share what is, essentially a short and glowing review of the book. Is it even possible to review a book like this? Or should I just tell everyone, read this, it's great. Or should I be gifting it to other creatives, especially ones who are suffering with writers block, imposter syndrome, or are feeling like what they do doesn't make a difference? 

Or should I state the obvious, that this would make an excellent gift for any creative high school student, or even one who is in their upper years of primary school? 

In any case, Art Matters is a good book.

Highly recommended.


Dora William said…

I also published a collection of essays. Being an Indie author means you need to be a multi-tasker. I write my books and initially edited them also. I learnt to design decent covers and also some marketing basics. But, gathering reviews was very time consuming and draining. I was referred to by a friend and my life became easy. They help me with gathering reviews for my book and also a boost to my marketing efforts with their complimentary ebook promotion. I am slowly building an audience who likes to read my books and feel like I made the right decision becoming an Indie author.

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