Aussie Author Challenge 2017: Update

Well, it's only April and this year has probably been one of my best yet for the Aussie Author Challenge. I am two thirds of the way there, toward my goal, which is:

To read twelve titles by Australian authors, fiction or non-fiction.
At least four of these titles must be by authors who are new to me.
At least four of these authors must be female. 
At least four of these authors must be male.
There must be at least three genres.

So lets see how I'm doing so far ...

I have read nine titles:

Hot or What by Margaret Clarke (Fiction, YA.)

An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire (Literary Fiction, Author is new to me.)

Magpie by Peter Goldsworthy and Brian Matthews (Literary Fiction.)

In Two Minds by Gordon Parker (Literary Fiction, Author is new to me.)

Lochie Leonard: Human Torpedo by Tim Winton (Fiction, YA.)

Marge and the Pirate Baby by Isla Fisher (Fiction, children's.)

Paris Lights by CJ Duggan (Fiction, New Adult Romance.)

The Hidden Hours by Sara Foster (Fiction, Psyhological Thriller.)

The Case Against Fragrance by Kate Grenville (Non-Fiction.)

Eight titles are fiction. The genres represented include Literary Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Children's and New Adult Romance. 

One title is non-fiction.

So far, only two authors are new to me, Emily Maguire and Gordon Parker. Technically, Brian Matthews is a new author as well, but, alas I've read titles by his co-author Peter Goldsworthy. 

Six titles have been written by women; three titles have been written by men.

This means that out of the next three titles I read for the challenge, at least two must be by authors who are new to me and at least one of these titles must be written by a male author. It's probable that I'll read other titles by Australian authors that do not fit these requirements in the meantime, but for fun, I'm hoping to link those reviews back to the challenge as well. After all, the whole reason I am doing this challenge is to share my love of Australian books and authors with the world.


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