Writers on Wednesday: Louise Guy

Welcome to another great Writers on Wednesday post. This week, I am chatting with Louise Guy who is the author of The Crafters Club series ...

Tell us a bit about yourself …

Getting serious about writing fiction started as a seed of an idea in 2003 when I put my marketing/copy writing career on hold and my husband and I took off on a great Australian adventure. The seed continued to grow as our adventure did. Initially, one four-wheel drive, one map, one year, that was the plan. Twelve years, many thousands of kilometers, and two kids later, we are yet to return to Melbourne. Now living on Queensland's beautiful Sunshine Coast, I’m using my writing background exactly how I dreamed one day I would; writing, publishing and promoting books. I write contemporary women's fiction as well as adventure stories for children aged 6-12. When I’m not writing, you'll find me at one of my favorite haunts; the pool, the Noosa river or at the beach with the kids. When the sun goes down, I’d love to say you'd find me curled up with a glass of wine and a good book, but as anyone with young children will testify, that is part of my fantasy life, not my reality. Still, with an ever growing 'to be read' pile, I love every opportunity I get to switch on my kindle, press play on an audiobook or smell the crisp, fresh pages of a new release from a favorite author.

Tell us about your most recently published book?

The Crafters’ Club is a new series aimed at children aged 6-10. The first three titles in the series were published on 1st September 2015.
  •        Two Worlds, Book One of the Crafters’ Club Series
  •        The Villagers, Book Two of the Crafters’ Club Series
  •        Lost, Book Three of the Crafters’ Club Series.

The Crafters’ Club is an adventure series about four children who find a portal that propels them from the real worlds into the world of Minecraft. They must learn to outwit mobs, craft supplies and ultimately survive.

Tell us about the first time you were published?
The Crafters’ Club are my first published titles and my first venture into self-publishing. It has been a very steep learning curve but I am delighted to have gone through the process (except for the grey hairs) and now have the knowledge to continue down this path. The reception by bookshops, book distributors and readers to the books has been overwhelming.

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

It is probably an unusual one, but I have to say, the look on my 9 year old’s face when I was introduced at his school as THE author of the Crafters’ Club books was just amazing. He was so proud and so excited to have a ‘cool’ mum. It was a better feeling than any contract or advance a publisher could throw at me (although they could try so I could have a true comparison!)
What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?

I am at varying stages of three more Crafters’ Club titles. In addition I am editing a commercial women’s fiction manuscript which I plan to pitch at GenreCon in Brisbane at the end of October.

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why?

I love eBooks and the convenience of reading on my mini-iPad. I love Borrow Box too that allows me to borrow eBooks from the library. But, for my favourite authors, I still like to purchase paperbacks and read them that way. There’s something special about a ‘real’ book these days and I tend to keep them and room on my bookshelf for my absolute favourites.

Indie Publishing, or Traditional Publishing?

So far my only publishing experience is Indie. I plan to submit my women’s fiction titles to traditional publishers until I have three ready to publish. (Currently have 2). If they aren’t picked up I will self-publish them to a schedule.

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?

Hindsight by Sarah Belle. If you want to laugh out loud, cry unexpectedly and completely fall in love with the characters this is a wonderful read. It would make a fantastic movie. I read it as an eBook. Not sure if it is in paperback, it should be.

Finally … is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?

I love Adelaide. I am hoping to attend the Romance Writers of Australia conference being held in Adelaide next year (even though I don’t write romance!) – I hope to see some of you at the reader events. Although I may use the opportunity to sneak off to some of your amazing wine regions…with a good book of course!

The Crafters’ club titles are available at: www.thecraftersclub.com and the facebook page is: http://www.facebook.com/thecraftersclubseries

For information about my women’s fiction titles – visit www.louiseguy.com


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