Writers on Wednesday: Kathryn Gabrielle

Welcome to another fantastic edition of Writers on Wednesday. This week, I am chatting with my friend Kathryn Gabrielle, who I know from the brilliant Attic Secrets group on facebook. Welcome Kathryn ...

Tell me a bit about yourself …

My name is Kathryn Gabrielle and I live in Allentown, PA. I am married for 33 years this coming August! I have a wonderful husband Louis and three children Louis Jr., Christine and Daniel. I am from Maine originally and graduated from Rivier College, Nashua, New Hampshire with a degree in Office Administration.  I have always loved to write. Even when I was a kid, I would send little stories about my dolls to my sister at college. I even made up a song in fourth grade about my dog and sang it to the class (I hope they were amused).  My very first story I wrote was "Crystal Dove". I wrote it in 1986 after my father died. It is very close to my heart. I work at a public library and I usually take home alot of books! I love to read too.  I am a very optimistic person and sensitive but strong inside. That is how I like to portray my characters as well.

Tell us about the first time you were published?  

The very first time I was published was in a poetry book that I had to pay for myself. I sent a copy to my mother. She was crying!. The name of my poem is "Memories of Maine".  She bought a copy. Bless you Mom!

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?  

As a writer, my proudest achievement is just being able to share my words with people. It is an intangible thing but truly that is all I really wanted. I have these stories inside my heart and I just want to share them. 

What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?  

I just finished a book called "The Quest for Orion and other Stories" on Amazon.  It is about a "would be" knight that must pass a series of tests to find the Key of Faith. He has a fear of snakes and a lack of courage but with the help of a young woman who believes in him he becomes an honorable knight.

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why? 

I prefer paper books because I like the feeling of having the touch of the pages and the smell of the book. That's why I work in a library. There is nothing like real books. It makes my soul sing!

Indie Publishing, or Traditional Publishing? 

I like the new publishing online, even though I am all thumbs with computers! Traditional publishing can be discouraging because you need an agent and they want a certain genre. I have had trouble getting into magazines. I read the magazines over and over, trying to get the groove of what they want. 

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read? 

The one book that I feel everybody should read has to be: The Thornbirds by Colleen McCollough. I was mesmerized by that book and my mother was as well!

Finally … is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?  

I would like to say I am very happy to know you and welcome to my imagination! Smiles...


My page on facebook is called "Kathy's Fabulous Books".  Here is the link to that page:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/804880092934408/

I also sell my books on lulu.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.  Lulu.com is a print on demand book site. 

lulu.com author spotlight page:  http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/katieg

Fabulously Funny Fables by Kathryn Gabrielle

Rose Cottage by Kathryn Gabrielle


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