Writers on Wednesday: Samantha Napier

Welcome to another great Writers on Wednesday interview. This week I'm chatting with debut author Samantha Napier, whose romantic comedy Dating the Alphabet was recently published by HarperCollins ...

Tell me a bit about yourself …

I’m not a very good sleeper which is handy when you’re trying to juggle a few realities at the same time.   My three beautiful boys keep me on my toes,  my wonderful husband , also a writer helps me bounce ideas around and my job as a flight attendant allows me these occasional overnights where I get to indulge in reading and watching movies.

Like most writers I eat way too much chocolate in the name of art but even when the sugar slump has set in I still enjoy putting a story together.  I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to write for stage, screen and now book and look forward to many other exciting opportunities.

Tell us about your most recently published book?

Dating the Alphabet is a romcom about a woman who wants to make dating fun again so she comes up with a plan to date guys based on the first letter of their name.  That’s obviously the driving factor but there is also a lot about friendship and being true to the person you are.

Tell us about the first time you were published?

This is the first time I’ve been published in anything so I’m pretty chuffed that my first time is in the form of a book.  I’ve been writing a blog, Ramblings of a Quickwit, for a couple of years, had short plays performed and a short film made but this is my first book.

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

Not giving up on this project, I started writing it as a sitcom and got to develop it with some great people but it became obvious the chance of it getting up was slim so I started writing it as a book.  When I hit a bit of a wall I decided to pull one of the chapters out and write it as a short play which got selected for a short play festival.  The positive response I got for that really reinvigorated my desire to keep writing the book.  It wasn’t really a traditional way but it was one that helped me.

What books or writing projects are you currently working on if anything?

Of course I’m writing the sequel to Dating but right now I’ve put my producer hat on and am starting to shoot a comedy web-series next month and then mid year a play I wrote about Flight Attending is going to be produced. 

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why?

Being the author of an eBook I’m going to have to say eBook.

Indie Publishing, or Traditional Publishing?

Well I’m lucky enough to be with HarperCollins but I would say however you can get an audience for your story is the way to go.

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?
I really enjoyed a quirky little book called Lost and Found by Australian author Brooke Davis, I laughed out loud a few times, which I always find is a good sign.  Apart from being funny though, it’s really touching, I’d highly recommend it.

Finally … is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?

You have a wonderful author and person in your midst, Fiona McIntosh.  I can honestly say that if I hadn’t come to you’re your beautiful city and attended her masterclass I would not have a published book.  She is inspiring, supportive and wonderful and right on your doorstep, lucky you.



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