Writers on Wednesday: Carol Vorvain

Welcome back to Writers on Wednesday. This week I am chatting with debut author Carol Vorvain, about her delightful novel When Dreams are Calling ...

Tell me a bit about yourself …

I believe if you really want to know someone you should not look at what they have or who are surrounded by. You should find out what their dreams are.  So, I will answer this question by telling you about my dreams, all wrapped up in a poem I wrote for the last chapter of my book, When Dreams are Calling:

I dream of flowers yellow and blue
Surrounding a red house and a canoe,
With parrots that squawk be it sunny or rain,
With books in my hands picking my brain,

Making a soup from my own veggie patch,
Writing a tale about match and mismatch,
Travel the seas and the world in between,
Touching Antarctica and a croc’s skin.

Growing older with him by my side,
Laughing at my first Wonderland ride,
Listening to his jokes always funny and true,
While we keep philosophizing on what’s old and what’s new.

Tell us about your most recently published book?

We all need encouragement. We all need humor. The more the merrier. And a well-written book always does the trick.

Books have healing, magic powers. Books are our best friends, our mentors, our refuge.
I wanted to write a book that will make people smile with every turn of the page, while slowly restoring their faith in the power of their own dreams. And this is how When Dreams are Calling was born. Inspired by a true story, the novel follows the journey of Dora, the adorable, a witty young woman who chases her dreams across continents, from Europe to America, then to Asia, and finally, to the far away shores of Australia. 

The readers see the changes she goes through, the price she pays for following her dreams, but also the rewards she gets on the way. Her life is a roller coaster and her plan is nothing more than the confidence that everything will work out for the best. The story is filled with magical words of wisdom that I hope will inspire and delight the readers, while making them reflect on the beauty of friendship, lust, love and kindness.

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

Mustering the courage to write a book that will have all the elements I love: humor, inspirational themes, travel, adventure and lust, love and all there is in between.

What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?

My books will always have an element of travel in them. I am myself a bit of a nomad, changing countries every now and then and just after settling in, deciding to move again. So, each writing project starts with a journey. Next time it will be S America. So, I am getting ready to visit this wonderful part of the world again at the end of the year.

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why?

Who cares on what the book is written on if the book is great? Certainly not me. I would read it even if written on a napkin, most likely a few:)

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?

I tend to stay away from broad generalities. But I do believe people should read books which make them laugh rather than making them cry. Of course, unless there are tears of joy.

Finally … is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?

We are in Australia, and Australia means a lot of footie. So, GO Crows, maybe?  

We're the pride of South Australia
We're the mighty Adelaide Crows
We're courageous, stronger, faster
And respected by our foes…



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