Writers on Wednesday: J.C. Phelps

Once again, it's time for Writers on Wednesday. This week, I'm chatting with the brilliant J.C. Phelps, author of the Alexis Stanton Chronicles ...

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a mother of three girls between the ages of fourteen and four.  My home life is very busy, but I have a wonderful husband who supports me in everything I do.  Ive been writing since I was very young but The Alexis Stanton Chronicles are the first books Ive published.

Tell us about your most recently published book?

My most recently published book is Traces of Grey.  Its the fourth book in The Alexis Stanton Chronicles and was released in November of 2014.  Its a bit darker than the rest of the series because Ms. Grey is past her training and taking on more and more serious jobs.

Tell us about the first time you were published?

Ive written for newspapers and online sites, but nothing compared to holding my very first novel in my hands.  It was exciting and scary.  Im self published and actually did the entire job on my own.  I wrote the books, created the covers and back blurbs, and then I even printed and bound the books for a time. That is an even more satisfying feeling than just holding a book some other company printed up for me.  I actually created my books from beginning to end.

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

My proudest achievement has to be my family bragging about their author sister, daughter, wife, or mother.  Having the family be proud of what I do is the best.

What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?

Im currently working on #5 in The Alexis Stanton Chronicles as well as being contracted to write up a very interesting true story.  Depending on how the research pans out, the contracted book will be either a memoir or possibly true crime. 

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why?

I dont have an actual preference as far as book format goes.  I love all books.  However, I havent picked up a paper book for quite a while.  I do tend to love reading on my eReaders (Kindle and iPad).  The eBooks are easier to carry around and I use the TTS (Text To Speech) feature a lot.  This allows me to read and do other things around the house.  I find I read a lot of audio books these days.

Indie Publishing, or Traditional Publishing?

I chose the indie route.  It made more business sense to me as a new author.  Im not at all disappointed with my decision. 

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?

I never liked required reading. I always preferred to pick my own books. I know there are plenty of books out there I should read, but havent yet.  But, if I could only recommend one book to my girls, Id pick The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.  The Hobbit has definite lines as far as right and wrong are concerned, yet the book still has plenty of room for their imaginations.

Finally is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?

The one thing I can think of to say to all my readers, those in Adelaide as well as all the others is:  Thank you for giving my books a chance.  I sincerely hope you enjoyed the stories.


Barnes & Noble author page - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/j.c.-phelps

The first book in the series, Color Me Grey, is available for free at all outlets:

Website:  msgrey.com

Twitter:  @jeaniep3


Anonymous said…
I feel the need to clear something up. When you asked about the first time I published, I mentioned I did my own cover art. I did, back then. However, I have since employed a professional cover artist. The covers people see now were not created by me, but T.M. Roy. My covers are practically perfect in every way now that I've gone with a professional. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to clarify that.
Kathryn White said…
No worries, JC. Loved your interview :-)

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