Reluctantly Charmed ...

Reluctantly Charmed is the title of a brilliant new book by debut novelist Ellie O'Neill and the novel will be released in October this year. Publisher Simon and Schuster has decided to have little bit of fun with this one and has sent out review copies to some the best book bloggers around. There must have been a spare copy left lying about in the office gathering dust or something because they also sent me one. (I'm kidding. Thank you very much to the team at Simon and Schuster for thinking of me and sending out a copy of the book. I'll be posting my official review closer to the release date.) Anyway, there is a bit of a competition where we book bloggers have been asked to share a favourite quote from the book, so I have posted my entry above. If I win, I'll be hosting the official cover reveal for Reluctantly Charmed in August. In the meantime, if you want to know more about the book, watch this brilliant interview will author Ellie O'Neill below ...


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