Writers on Wednesday: Gabrielle Arrowsmith

Welcome back to Writers on Wednesday. This week, YA novelist, math teacher, soccer trainer and actress Gabrielle Arrowsmith answers my questions ...

Tell me a bit about yourself …

Hello! I’m Gabrielle Arrowsmith, a YA novelist, math teacher, soccer trainer, and actress. I have lived all of my twenty-something years in Ham Lake, Minnesota. I’m itching for the snow to melt so I can partake in some of my favorite outdoor activities, especially trail running and playing soccer. I also enjoy reading, watching movies, listening to music, and spending time with my family, friends, and pets!

Tell us about your most recently published book?

My latest book, Released from the Darkness (Concealed in the Shadows #2), came out just weeks ago. In this novel, eighteen-year-old Sydney fights to re-establish rights that citizens in this futuristic society have been denied. In book one, the reader learns that unforgiving laws limited Sydney’s contact with her younger sister and confined her to a designated county. In book two, the stakes of Sydney’s fight are heightened as terrible secrets are revealed.

Tell us about the first time you were published?

I self-published Concealed in the Shadows in December, 2012. I was a first time author with a tiny following, so my debut novel gathered dust on the virtual shelves. I was very fond of the story that I had poured my heart into, so I had to keep working to bring it to more readers. I found a home for Concealed in the Shadows with Clean Teen Publishing, who released the revamped version in May, 2013.

As writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

Finishing a novel and then signing a contract for it were huge achievements - both of which I never expected to happen when I began writing it. Yet, my proudest moments have come as I’ve watched Concealed in the Shadows’ rank improve in the YA action and YA dystopian categories on Amazon. All I ever wanted was to share the story with readers, so it’s been wonderful to have that dream realized.

What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?

I’m currently working on the third installment in the Concealed in the Shadows series, and also doing outlining for a new series that I am very excited about.

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?

It’s so hard to pick only one! I have to go with Flowers for Algernon because the reader is taken on a very unique and emotional journey. In the YA genre, I recommend The Hunger Games because the trilogy is simply awesome and it inspired me to finally put Concealed in the Shadows on paper.

Get Gabrielle’s Books:

Concealed in the Shadows (FREE eBook)

Released from the Darkness

Watch the Book Trailers:

Connect with Gabrielle:


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