Feature and Follow Friday

Woo-hoo! Time for another Feature and Follow Friday. As you all know, this is a very awesome meme, hosting by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read designed to help like-minded book bloggers meet and connect.

For me, it has been an absolutely huge week, with the release of my fifth novel Cats, Scarves and Liars. (Feel free to enter the giveaway here.) And maybe I'm just horribly, horribly, biased, but I think it's a great novel and that you should all read it. Anyway, this weeks all-important question for Feature and Follow Friday is:

Have you any pets? Tell us or show us?

It absolutely breaks my heart to say this, but the question is no. Toffee White, my beloved Abyssinian crossed with a ginger tabby (who looked almost exactly like a ginger tabby, and sounded almost exactly like an Abyssinian,) passed away in July last year.  You can read a small dedication to him at the start of Cats, Scarves and Liars. Here is a picture of him, looking delightfully cute ...


Unknown said…
Your cat is so cute. I have one too and I would love another. Following via GFC and was already a G+ follower.
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat that is awful! He looks super cute in that picture though. My dog was stolen a few years ago, and it was awful. She was the best dog i've ever had.

I hope you have a good weekend
My F&F
Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews
Awww. I've lost a few pets. It's so sad! He was beautiful!
New GFC follower.
My FF!
Aww he was a cutey. I lost my eleven year old cat two years ago and was so upset. She was my baby, but sadly she had kidney failure and had to be put down. It's so sad to lose a pet. Bloglovin' follower. Here's my FF.
Kathryn White said…
Thanks Whitney. I'm having a great weekend, though it is almost over now, sadly.
Kathryn White said…
Thank you Christy. Losing a pet certainly isn't easy.
Kathryn White said…
Thank you. Sorry to hear about your cat :-(
Unknown said…
Sorry to hear you lost your cat, I know you're pain after losing one of mine a few years back.... my heart literally broke and I cried for days almost non-stop, I even get teary thinking about him to this day xx

Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf
Kathryn White said…
Aww ... Thanks Thea. I still get teary thinking about Toffee too.

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