Writers on Wednesday: Iris Blobel

Welcome back to Writers on Wednesday. This week, I am chatting with Iris Blobel, author of the wonderful Beginnings series ...

Tell me a bit about yourself …

Okay… I was born and raised in Germany and only immigrated to Australia in the late 1990s. I’m married, have two beautiful daughters, work at a private school and present a German Program at the local radio every Wednesday.

I’ve published a few books (lucky me, ey!) and have a few books that nobody seems to want (such is life!). I enjoy reading, mainly romance or crime, my favourite authors being Jill Shalvis and Lee Child.

How am I doing so far?

I live west of Melbourne, would love to live more south-west to be nearer to the beach, but, hey, you can’t have everything.

I love travelling and I’m really lucky, so does the rest of the family! So, that’s where you can find us most of the holidays, in some corner of Australia in our caravan.

Tell us about your most recently published book?

“More Beginnings” is the second book in the Beginnings series, the story about two sisters, Sophie and Mia Levesque, who inherited a house in Hobart.

It’s got a little bit of everything in it, relationship between sisters, grief, romance and the “mystery” of who the generous lady was, who left them the house.

The first book was “New Beginnings”, which was published last year.

Tell us about the first time you were published?

Scary! I self-published my first book and letting go of my little baby was a frightening experience. Even when readers commented positively and liked the book (and yes, there were/are a few), it was still a very humbling experience. But a nice ride so far!

As a writer, what has been your proudest achievement so far?

Getting five books published so far. Having readers telling me how much they like my books is great and worth more than any money.

What books or writing projects are you currently working on, if anything?

I’m currently writing on Beginnings #3, which takes longer than expected. My fault, though!
It’s set in America and follows the holiday I did with my family last year. So every time I’m stuck with “where to go” or “to set a scene” I look at my itinerary or photos and we all start reminiscing about the great time we had. But I’m close to the finish ;-)

My other project is a trilogy about Australian Sports Stars. It’s fun to write, and as a lover of sports I’m really enjoying. Let’s hope, it’ll find a “home” soon.

Which do you prefer? eBooks or Paper Books? Why?

Ack! I’d say Paper Books, but I’ve come to enjoy the convenience of ebooks over the last year or so. Wherever I go, I have my e-reader with me and I love it that I can just switch it on, read for five minutes or fifteen minutes. It doesn’t take up all that much room in my bag.

On the other hand, when I really, really liked a book, I try and get a paperback, because there’s nothing better than having a shelf full of books and occasionally just “browse” through them, remembering the story without reading it all.

Aside from your own books, of course, what is one book that you feel everybody should read?

One book? *sighs*  Tricky! – How about the “World Travel Guide”.

Finally … is there anything you would like to say to your readers in Adelaide, Australia?


Hope you’re all surviving the 2014 heat waves. I'm thinking of you all.

Loooove Adelaide and can’t wait to come over in September! Hopefully coming to Hahndorf as well. I’m in need for some German food ;-)

Awesome Links

Blog: www.iris-b.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/irisblobel
Twitter: _iris_b


Iris B said…
Thank you for having me Kathryn!
Janette Harjo said…
I enjoyed your interview, Iris! Thank you for this chance to get to know you a little better. :)
Great interview. I feel the same way about the paper vs. e-book thing. I love the feel of a real book and love having all my favorites on the shelf, but it's so nice to be able to carry them all in my bag on my e-reader!
Iris B said…
Thanks Janette :-)
Iris B said…
Thanks Krysten. It's the convenience that convinced me in the end. When I really really like a book, I still by the paperbook for "my shelf" :-)
Heather said…
World Travel Guide...ach! Which year's version? :)
Lisa Orchard said…
Great interview Iris! I've got your book on my TBR Pile! :)
Kathryn White said…
Thank you for being a part of Writers on Wednesday, Iris. I loved your interview and by the look of it, many others did too :)
Iris B said…
Any year .... ;-)
Iris B said…
Thanks Lisa. Hope you'll enjoy :-)

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