Review: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead

It has been quite a while between Vampire Academy novels for me--so long in fact that I didn't even have this blog back in 2010 when I read the first three novels in this series. I don't know why this is, as I enjoyed the books very much. I guess I got a little caught up in reading some of the novels that the author has written for adults, including the very brilliant and recently released Gameboard of the Gods

Blood Promise is the fourth novel in the series and the only one, so far, that is set almost wholly outside St Vladmir's Academy. Rose has travelled to Russia with one goal in mind. To kill her boyfriend, Dimitri who has become Strigoi (which is the evil and immortal vampires of her paranormal world). Dimitri, of course, has other ideas. And meanwhile, halfway across the country Lissa is feeling abandoned and may be finding herself in serious danger ...

Reading through Blood Promise, I couldn't help but wonder why I had put off reading this one for so long. The novel is certainly action packed and we get to meet Alchemist Sydney, who of course, is the star of a Vampire Academy spin-off series, along with another character, Jill. (It's kind of obvious from the way that Sydney is introduced that the author is planning this.) The showdown between Rose and Dimitri doesn't exactly go to plan, and the novel ends on a bittersweet but chilling note ...

Blood Promise is a worthwhile instalment in a well-written YA paranormal series. I definitely will not be waiting so long to read the next book in the series, Spirit Bound.


Unknown said…
I'm SUCH a Vampire Academy junkie that I rush out and buy the next of the series the day it is released! So glad to see your a fan too!
Kathryn White said…
Yep. I have to confess that I'm reading the fifth book in the series at the moment. I've bought number six, plus all three Bloodlines novels. I'm horribly addicted.

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