Review: The Vagina Buffet by S.J. Tierney

I purchased a copy of this one after reading about it over on Australian Writers Rock! a truly awesome site that showcases a number of Australian writers and their authors. (And yes, I am featured on there.) Anyway, this one sounded like a lot of fun, it being the memoirs of a former Brazilian waxer tied in with a lighter, Kaz Cooke-style commentary on the female anatomy. The goal of the author is to normalise the female anatomy--as a former beautician she was surprised to discover how many women felt insecure about their bodies and the lack of understanding of how their own bodies functioned.

This one was a fun and quick read that kept me entertained on an otherwise miserable evening. Many of the authors adventures amused me, including one that involved some, ahem, painting (I'll let you discover that for yourself,) and there are some rather cute cartoons as well. Well worth reading for a lighthearted look at the female anatomy. 


What an unusual topic, glad you enjoyed it!

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
Kathryn White said…
Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Definitely an unusual topic.

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