Feature and Follow Friday

This week I am taking part in Feature and Follow Friday, an awesome weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, designed to help like-minded book bloggers meet, reconnect and make some fantastic new connections. This week's all-important question is:

Q: Happy Mother’s Day! Who is your favorite mom from fiction?

Wow, you folks don't ever make it easy for us, having to pick just one favourite. There are plenty to choose, though I'm willing to bet that plenty of book bloggers today placed Molly Weasley as their favourite. So, as much as I love Molly, I'm not choosing her. =P

My choice is Marmee March from Little Women. She loves all four of her daughters equally, though for different reasons. Her advice is always fair and sound, even if it isn't what her children always want to hear. In Good Wives it is Marmee who offers Jo comfort when she feels (quite wrongly) that her life is not working out. 

So who did you choose?

PS I'm still looking for bloggers who are interested in reviewing a copy of my latest YA novel Behind the Scenes. Contact me at inboxreviews@gmail.com if you would be interested in featuring my book on your blog.


Unknown said…
I haven't read Little Women yet... I know it's a classic and a must-read and all that, but I just can't bring myself to start it... Maybe in the future. LOL
I'm a new follower via Bloglovin and GFC. Can you please follow back? Thanks.


Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl

P.S. I sent you an email about your book! I'd love to review it (:
Kathryn White said…
Have just replied to your email and am now following your blog. Phew!

Do read Little Women at some stage--it's a wonderful story, even if it does seem a bit daunting at the beginning.
CeCe said…
Best answer yet! I wish I had thought of her before posting my FF. You are so so right - she is an amazing mom!

Old follower : )
CeCe @ Steaming Mug of Books
Unknown said…
Just stopping by to say Hi! And that you have a new follower here! Hope to see you follow mine as well!


Unknown said…
Marmee from The Little Women is definitely a personal favourite and I think many people love her character too, she's second from the popularity that is Molly Weasley this week :)

My Follow Friday

Have a great weekend!
Kathryn White said…
Aww, thank you CeCe! I'll check out your FF :)
Kathryn White said…
Hi Amber, thank you for the link. I'm keen to read you FF and see your pick.
Kathryn White said…
From the FF posts I've seen, I think you're spot on Angelica. Hope you're having an awesome weekend.
Kathryn White said…
Ahh, two new blogs for me to look at :)

I'm glad that you like my blog.

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