Feature Follow Friday + Giveaway

Time once again for Feature and Follow Friday, that awesome weekly meme hosted by those stars of the book blogosphere Parajunkee and Alison Can Read . This week's question is:

Q: Tell us about the most emotional scene you’ve ever read in a book – and how did you react?

Probably when Beth dies toward the end of Good Wives (published as the second volume of Little Women in the US and Canada). But if I can have a second choice, it would probably be the moment in Anne of Green Gables where Anne discovers that Marilla and Matthew had never intended to adopt her and that they had wanted a boy instead. It sounds silly, but I felt so sorry for her, after she had her hopes up thinking that she was going to have a home and a family of her own, discovering that she was unwanted after all. Of course, Marilla eventually changes her mind ...

Anyway, in happier news, this week I've got a signed copy of my novella Best Forgotten to give away to one lucky reader. (It has the old black and white cover, but otherwise is all good.) You can enter via the rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said…
Haven't heard of that one but will check it out :)

Old follower!
Kathryn White said…
No worries Marissa. Will swing by you FF :)
Beth dies in Little Women?!?! Craaap. It's been such a long time since I watched the movie I've already forgotten how the story goes. :(

And finally, another Anne of Green Gables fan! I love Anne, she's so cute and I love her childhood, innocent fantasies. Have you also read What Katy Did? :)

Old GFC follower :)

The cover of your upcoming novel Behind the Scenes caught my eye. Looks interesting! Can't wait to read it.

Goldie's tear-jerker
Alison Can Read said…
Hopping through. I don't remember crying at Anne of Green Gables but I do love the series.
My Hop
Kathryn White said…
Lovely to see you again Goldie!

I agree, I love Anne's innocent fantasies. Thank you for your kind words re: Behind the Scenes. I can't believe the release is so close, after many, many months of hard work.
Kathryn White said…
Hi Alison :-)

Anne of Green Gables is a beautiful series. I love some of the other books by LM Montgomery, particularly the Emily of New Moon series.
Kathryn White said…
:-) That's okay. Loved you FF by the way.
Mary Preston said…
When Beth dies in LITTLE WOMEN I cried & I do love ANNE OF GREEN GABLES.
mellie jane said…
I love books so much im building up my own home library and signed copies are my most coverted items for my shelves so needless to say i would love to win!
The Readdicts said…
Ah, I think I've heard of Good Wives, but I can't be sure. It sure sounds really good though, I'll have to check it out! Awesome answer!

Old follower!

Thanks for stopping by my F&FF earlier. Happy reading and have a great weekend! :D

Sarika @ The Readdicts
Kathryn White said…
You're welcome, Sarika. I enjoyed reading you FF.
Kasi Blake said…
New follower. Happy Easter. :)
Kathryn White said…
Happy Easter, K.C & welcome!
Unknown said…
Would love a new book to pass on to my insomniac mum :)
Kathryn White said…
That's a great reason to enter, Rebecca :) Good luck!

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