Feature and Follow Friday Feature blogger!

Good grief! It's 8am, I've just jumped on the bus, checked my emails and discovered that I'm one of this week's Feature and Follow Friday feature bloggers! So, welcome everyone, and thanks heaps to Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

This week's question is: 

Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you've done, that as you've gained more experience you were like -- oops?

For me, probably being a bit too hard and critical in my reviews than what the author deserved. I used to think that I was failing as a reviewer if I didn't point out at least one thing that was wrong with the book. As I've grown more experienced, I've realised that sometimes that said more about my skills as a reviewer/critic than it did about the authors work. 


greg said…
What a great thing to wake up to! Congratulations!
Jen said…
congrats on being the feature
Anonymous said…
I think I might be the opposite. Not critical enough! I am pretty new to blogging.

New follower!

Unknown said…
Hi Kathryn! I'm a new follower from FF. And a new blogger. And I'm probably making mistakes left and right. It was easier with my personal blog as it was just stream of consciousness. I'm still learning!
Congrats on being this weeks' feature!

I guess it depends on the mood I am in when I write my review, there are times that I am pretty okay and times where I am overly critical even if I thought the book didn't deserve it.

New follower via GFC
my FF post @ I Heart Romance
Unknown said…
I don't think that's something you should worry about! I worry that I err on the other side, b/c I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings. I don't worry too much about "big" authors, but I AM reluctant to be critical of a new author.

New GFC follower

Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
Here's My FF
robgirlbooks said…
I think it's hard finding a balance as an author when it comes to writing reviews. Lately, I only read what I truly enjoy so all my reviews are raves. Old follower here, but I hit you up on Twitter (@robgirlbooks). This is my FF.
Naomi Hop said…
Congrat's on the feature!! I don't think I'm critical enough with my reviews. I tend to look at the positives.

Here's My FF!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
Old Follower :)
Lizzy said…
It's hard to be "too" critical with reviews. I think one of the hardest parts about reviewing is to learn that sometimes you're going to hurt an author's feelings and you can either deal with it or sugarcoat...and no one respects you if you sugarcoat. So keep doing what you're doing and congrats on the feature!
Lizzy said…
Oh, new GFC follower!

NovelReveries said…
COOOOONGRAAAAATS!!! I'm a new GFC follower :D
I never know how my critiques are taken, but no one's complained so far, lol! I don't really critique an author, just their writing style and how it contributed towards the book, and my honest feelings towards a book.

-My FF Friday at Novel Reveries
Anonymous said…
Congrats on being featured!I'm a new followr by e-mail. Have a great weekend!
Congrats on being featured!!!

What I do when I'm feeling sooo critical, I step back and refrain from writing my review because it might be too hasty or too angsty hehe.

New follower via GFC.

I wrote about my mistakes over at My Book Musings :)
Unknown said…
Congrats on the feature! I don't think I'm critical enough, but I do say what I didn't like in a book, though. Maybe in a mild way.

New Follower via GFC
My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading :)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on being featured! I'm so glad you brought up being too critical. I often feel bad when I can't separate fact from fiction in a book and bring down my rating because of that. Or I find unanswered questions regarding the plot and hence I bring down the rating.

Jessica @ Literary, etc
(new follower via Twitter & FB)
The Readdicts said…
So glad to see you being featured, Kathryn! Congrats!

I know, review writing is a little tough, especially writing negative reviews! Great answer. :)

Old follower!

Here's my Feature & Follow Friday post.

Happy reading!

Sarika @ The Readdicts
Unknown said…
Old follower here! I always try to be honest, and sometimes authors appreciate it, other times I find they don't, but my critical reviews are never cruel . . . it is hard though xx
my link is http://kvlovesbooks.blogspot.co.uk/
Kirsty @ All in One Place
Alishia said…
Congrats on the feature. Reviewing books isn't easy. My policy is be honest and respect the author.

Have a great day.

New follower.

Here's my Feature and Follow
Alisa Selene said…
Congrats on the feature! I agree it is good to do constructive criticism! New follower!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on being featured! :)
I'm the exact opposite of you.
Unknown said…
Nice blog! New follower!
JennRenee said…
Great answer... I have the opposite problem. I don't like hurting feelings so I have a hard time reviewing books I just didn't like. New follower. My friday http://jennreneeread.blogspot.com/2013/03/follow-friday-57.html
Congrats on being featured this week! I don't think that's necessarily an oopsie, reviewers, too grow as writers, no? And our style and focus may still change, I think.

I'm a new GFC and linky follower. Here's my FF post for this week.

Have a fantastic Friday!
Congrats on being the feature! New follower via RSS Feed. Here's my #FF for this week! Have a great weekend!


Tamara @ Shelf Addiction
Anonymous said…
Great answer! Congrats on being a feature this week :) Following via GFC

Check out my FF
Unknown said…
Congrats on the feature! Boy do I have a hard time refraining from writing anything critical. Many times it has gotten to a point where I stop writing it mid-way, analyse and continue some other day.

New follower via GFC. Do drop by my FF. Happy Friday!
Unknown said…
Good answer! :) Congrats on the feature... new follower!

Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

LisaILJ said…
That's a really good point you make about reviews. I also feel the need to put something that I didn't like about the book in the review. I'm trying to get better, and sometimes I will even come out and say I couldn't find anything wrong. Maybe I should do that more often.

My F&FF Feature & Follow Friday (#2)

LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA
Micheline said…
Hi! Congrats on being featured - new follower via GFC here :D

Great, honest answer - I think it's a fairly common issue among bloggers! Thanks for sharing & happy Friday!

Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows
Unknown said…
I was the opposite. I was afraid to point out too many problems!
Congrats on being a feature this week!
Old follower via GFC.
Here's my Feature and Follow Friday Post
Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason
Beth said…
Congrats on being featured!
Love the blog!
New follower
Beth @ Free Spirit Books
New follower...

I've found that the hardest reviews to write are the ones where I did not enjoy the book, or it didn't leave a great impression. It's really hard to find positives to show when all I want to share are the negatives. I try to be nice, but sometimes...
Unknown said…
I try not to nitpick with my reviews, but sometimes even if it's things that don't bother me per say, I know there are things that will bother other readers (e.g. some grammar issues) and I will point them out...but I do feel bad doing it!

New Follower!

Christyn @ The Book Cafe
Anonymous said…
Congrats! on being featured.

Hi there! New follower :)

love your answer and I totally agree!

Congrats on getting featured :). I always worry about my review content even 9 months later... I look forward to feeling experienced lol!
New follower.
Here's my FF :)
Unknown said…
Congrats on the feature! I do worry about hurting others feelings, but at the same time I want to be honest. I try to write so any negatives are taken constructively. New GFC follower :)
Traci @ My FF
Unknown said…
Congrats on being featured! Sometimes I still wonder if I'm being too critical. I feel like I haven't learned the difference between my preferences and an author's skill. Just because I don't like chick lit, for example, doesn't mean the author sucks! It's a fine line, but it's your blog! I'm glad you're learning to be more true to yourself!

I love the fish at the bottom of your page!

New follower via GFC
Megan said…
Hi :) I'm the other feature :)

New follower. Loved your answer. So true. I'm still working on finding that perfect balance between being too critical and maybe not critical enough.

Happy reading!
Megan @ Megz Madd Readz
Holly said…
Congrats on being a featured blogger this week! New follower via GFC. I try not to be critical of the books I review (although there is one in particular that I just slammed because I disliked it so much). I don't think stating something you didn't like is always the same as being critical. But...that's just my opinion.

Holly @ Words Fueled by Love
Nyx said…
Congrats on the feature! To me reviewing is saying your point of view, and that includes what you liked and didn't like, just not crossing the line into ranting.

New follower.

- Nyx @ Unraveling Words
Anonymous said…
Everyone has their own style of reviewing. Mine's still settling, but when I was a newbie, I thought you had to have everything in your review: Release dates of major countries for the book, ISBN, a rundown of every single character, etc. I was way too focused on trying to get my blog right. Congratz on being the feature! New Follower.
Jennifer said…
Congrats on the feature! I think we are all still learning when it comes to book reviews and everyone has a different style. New GFC follower.

Happy Friday!
Erika said…
Congrats on getting featured! When I first started reviewing I was the opposite. I think I was a little too easy on how I rated books.
New GFC follower
My FF: http://livingforthebooks.blogspot.com/2013/03/feature-follow-31.html
Just started to follow you!! Congrats on the feature.
Hope you have a great day and many new followers :)

Summer Ross said…
Great answer to that question! I'm a new follower. I have yet to actually participate in the #FF but I'm hoping to soon, I'm still trying to figure out how it works. There are so many people on the list. LOL Anyway- I look forward to seeing more from you and hope you have a great Friday!
Jenni Elyse said…
Congratulations on being featured! :D Very interesting take on your reviewing methods. I often feel like I'm too nice. But, I just don't see flaws all the time; or, they don't bother me unless way too blatant to ignore like a book I just read recently.

My FF Post
Congrats on being the feature! I also liked your answer!! I think I am totally opposite of you though. I feel like I should be more critical, I know I am too nice, but I do try to give my honest opinion.
Unknown said…
I'm a new GFC follower. Congrats on the feature status this week! Your answer contains some good advice for a newbie like me, so thanks for that! :)
ChaiTime212 said…
Hi there :) New GFC follower. Love your blog! My blog URL is www.chaitime212.blogspot.com
Susan said…
Congrats on being featured! :)

New follower hopping through! Here is my F&F! Have a great weekend!
Congrats on being featured this week! I'm the opposite in that I worry I'm not being critical enough so as not to hurt an author's feelings. It's hard to walk a fine line.

I'm an old GFC follower and would love for you to visit when you get a chance.

The Scarf Princess
Congratulations on being this week's Feature!

I'm relatively new to blogging and I'm sure I've made tons of mistakes. But I know that at times I am not harsh enough in my reviews.

I'm a new GFC follower - Bookworm Brandee
- enjoy your weekend!
Unknown said…
Congrats! I'm New to F&F!

Come Check mine out!
~Jennifer~ said…
Hi! I'm a new follower! Congrats on being featured! :D I worry sometimes my reviews are too positive and that I won't be taken seriously. I don't know; we are our own toughest critics.

My FF .
Unknown said…
Congrats! I am a new blogger and follower via GFC.

Starbucks & Books Obsession

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