Best Forgotten by Kathryn White

Exciting news. This month, I am relaunching my novella Best Forgotten with an awesome new cover. The reason for the relaunch and new cover is pretty simple--when I was searching for photographs to include on the front cover of my upcoming novel Behind the Scenes I stumbled across the photograph of this gorgeous blonde standing beside a mirror and instantly thought of Best Forgotten. I knew the photograph was perfect for the novel, so I thought, why not?

Anyway, there's a new blurb to go with the updated cover, which reads:

An intriguing tale of murder, amnesia and the lies we tell ourselves. 

A young woman wakes in hospital, unable to recall the past eighteen months. Once an awkward, introverted teenager battling Anorexia Nervosa, Kellie-Sue discovers that she has blossomed into a beautiful woman with a loving husband. But what secrets are lurking beneath the surface? Why is Kellie-Sue haunted with memories of the bruised and bloody of her abusive ex-boyfriend lying on the kitchen floor? Is Kellie-Sue capable of murder? Or is the truth best forgotten…

Best Forgotten is available from Amazon for $2.99 for the kindle or $9.99 in print.


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