Review: Finding Mr Darcy by Amanda Hooton
Considering that I am not currently searching for Mr Darcy, or in fact, any man at the moment (I'm quite happily single thank you, and yes I do own a cat and no I don't think there is anything wrong with that,) buying a book which claims to be Jane Austen's guide to dating for the modern girl was a bit of a surprise purchase. But in all honesty, I did find Amanda Hooton's Austen-inspired dating advice to be readable, amusing and quite truthful. Unlike dating guides that encourage women to play hard to get ( The Rules ) or accept that all men are idiotic alpha types but don't worry eventually one day a man who takes a shine to you will come along and he'll happily hit you over the head and drag you back to his cave ( He's Just Not that Into You ,) this book encourages its readers to do what Jane Austen's heroine's did. And that is, to behave with a little self-respect and to be an all-round good and interesting person, which to me is far more import...