Awesome Author Blog Hop

Big shout out to Nicole Suzanne Brown who tagged me and my awesome novel Being Abigail for this author blog hop. 

What is the title of your book?

My book is titled Being Abigail. It is a humorous novel about a young woman who attempts to rebuild her life after a suicide big goes spectacularly awry.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Being Abigail is based on a fiction blog that I used to write titled Who Was Abigail Carter? The main characters themselves have been around for a lot longer though. When I was in my upper high school years, I wrote a number of interconnected short-stories featuring a teenage version of the same character. I started the blog one afternoon after I began to wonder what Abigail Carter would be like as an adult.

What genre does your book fall under?

Either chick-lit or contemporary life. Or maybe total lunacy. (Is that a genre, lol?)

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Provided she could do an Australian accent, I think that Amy Adams would be the perfect actress to play Abigail Carter. (Thanks largely to her brilliant performance in Junebug.)

Being Abigail $12.99 from Amazon or Createspace.


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