Feature and Follow Friday

I am participating in Feature and Follow Friday once again, a weekly meme designed to help like-minded bloggers connect. Hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read, this meme always has an interesting question or two that needs to be answered. This week's all-important question is:

Q: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness...

Ooh, Halloween is coming already. Okay, I have a little difficulty trying to think which great horror novels haven't been made into films at one point or another, so maybe I should start thinking about trashy ones with a whole lot of gore ...

Damn, I was going to nominate PIN by Andrew Neiderman for the scene where the hero hacks his sister's lover to death, but it turns out that has already been made into a (long forgotten) scary movie. Hmm, so what else can I nominate? Okay ... I know its really a kids book and there isn't much gore, (the fear being largely psychological,) but I think The Babysitter by RL Stine would make an interesting movie. They might have to up the gore, sex and swearing to make it appeal to anyone over the age of fourteen though.

What book would you/did you nominate?


biochemguy said…
You can't really go wrong with R.L. Stine right?! Great pick! ^.^ New follower (frodosco - GFC). If you would like to you can check out my FF post here. :)
Kathryn White said…
Awesome! I agree, it's hard to go wrong with RL Stine. Will check out your FF :)
The Readdicts said…
Haven't read any R.L.Stine books yet.
new follower :)

Here's our ff- http://thereaddicts.blogspot.in/2012/10/feature-follow-friday-8.html
Janhvi @ The Readdicts
Liesel K. Hill said…
Those both sound pretty creepy! And if the first has a film version that's long forgotten, well Hollywood's all about the remakes these days, right? :D New follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D
Stormi said…
I am reading R.L. Stines grown up scary novel..just started it so not real sure how it's going to be but I am sure it will be great! :)

New Follower
Unknown said…
Good choices! New follower via GFC . .my link is http://kvlovesbooks.blogspot.co.uk/ x
Unknown said…
Great Choice!!!! :)

Kathryn White said…
:-) There is always time to start. Thank you for passing on the link, I will stop by your blog shortly!
Kathryn White said…
Remakes! Hey I'd never thought of that :D
Kathryn White said…
Yeah, I've read one of his grown up novels. I could still see hints of Goosebumps and Fear Street in there, lol.
Kathryn White said…
Welcome! Thanks for passing on the link.

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