Feature and Follow Friday

It's time for another Feature and Follow Friday. For those of you who don't know, Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkie's View designed to help like-minded bloggers to connect. This week's all important question is:

Q: What hyped up book was worth all of the fuss?

I'm going to state the obvious first with the Harry Potter series. When I first encountered the books as an 18 year old university student, I was a bit skeptical (at that stage, only three books had been released and the release of the fourth was imminent,) and thought it was probably just an overhyped kids series. Obviously, I was wrong.

My second choice is Water For Elephants which I read last year. When it was first released, I dismissed it as a piece of wannabe Literature (i.e. one of those books that appears more literary and intelligent than what it truly is, just pick up anything that has ever written by Jodi Picoult and you'll see what I mean). Anyway, I eventually picked it up after running out of things to read and I was pleasantly surprised by how well researched this tale actually was. That and I've always liked stories that feature train journeys.

Other books I'd like to add to this list are: On the Road by Jack Kerouac, The Bride Stripped Bare by Nikki Gemmel and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.


Anonymous said…
Somehow I've totally missed Harry Potter and Water for Elephants. Hyped books can make me nervous and then by the time I get the nerve to read them, they are yesterday's news.
Kathryn White said…
Yeah, happens to me all the time. I just don't trust hyped books and I'm usually right (i.e. the Da Vinci Code, Fifty Shades, Clan of the Cave Bear).
Cassi Haggard said…
Harry Potter totally lives up to the Hype. It's just so great.

My follow friday! Please visit!
Unknown said…
Harry Potter was my choice as well :)

Alison Can Read said…
Hopping through. I loved Water For Elephants. It was really hard to put down.
My Hop
Unknown said…
Haven't read Water for Elephants yet. new follower through GFC as lucyatmax/no pic.....I can be found/followed at bethartfromtheheart.blogspot.com
nice meeting you; have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
I found HP around the same time you did. I was 16, and in high school. The first 3 were out, and the fourth was coming out in July. A classmate had commented that she read this cute book called HP, and then I saw it at the school library. So I checked it out, and that was that. But it was the third book that hooked me. I realized Jk Rowling had this huge plan.

Friday Hop
BLHmistress said…
I love Harry Potter but when I read them I honestly didn't know about the hype then.

Kathryn White said…
I agree. Once I got into it, Water For Elephants was very difficult to put down!
Kathryn White said…
Awesome! Will stop by your FF shortly :)
Kathryn White said…
Agreed, wholeheartedly.
Kathryn White said…
Lovely to meet you as well. I'll check out your blog.
Kathryn White said…
I agree--it's the third book that changes everything and sets the stage for the rest of the series.
Kathryn White said…
And that's probably the best way to go in to a series like Harry potter. Thanks for the link, will check your blog out :)
Unknown said…
I need to read Water for Elephants. I have heard some amazing reviews for it. Great choice and happy reading :)

New follower via GFC :)

My FF post :)
Heather said…
I chose Harry Potter too, and also read it in college for a Children's Lit class, before I heard any hype for it... and was just blown away.

Old follower here!
Kathryn White said…
Definitely, definitely read Water For Elephants. Will take a look at your FF post!
Kathryn White said…
Hi Heather, glad you're still around. I think yours was the best way to get into Harry Potter--reading it without knowing any of the hype. Will visit your blog in a moment.

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