Feature Follow Friday

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkie's View designed to help book bloggers meet and connect. This week's all important question is:

Happy Father's Day! Who is your favorite dad character in a book and why?

Hmm, decisions. My favourite Dad character is the tough but always fair Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Not only does this man live by his principles, regardless of what others may think of him, but this middle aged lawyer had quite a difficult job at home, raising two spirited children.


I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird :( it is on my wishlist though :)

Here is my FF
Lauren from Northern Plunder
I chose Atticus Finch, too. I'm following you, my blog is at http://365-books-a-year.blogspot.com/
Cassi Haggard said…
You can never go wrong with Atticus! Great answer!

My follow friday. Please visit!
Cherie Colyer said…
Great answer!

New follower. My #FF
Alison Can Read said…
Hopping through. Definitely agree with Atticus. He is as wise and kind as they come.
My Hop

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