Feature Follow Friday

Yay! It's Friday once again, and we all know what that means. No, I'm not talking about my usual Friday night jaunt to the markets, but Feature and Follow Friday, a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkie's View designed to help book bloggers meet and connect. This week's all important question is:

Q: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?

You do know that it's almost winter in Adelaide right? But at this time of year, I'd love to head up north to the Gold Coast.


I live in England and it may as well be winter here too- freeeezing and raining constantly! Anywhere sunny would be nice!

New follower :-)

My FF post: http://www.pocketfulofbooks.com/2012/05/follow-friday.html
Reading Kelly said…
Winter is a great time to snuggle up with a book and hot chocolate! I'd love to visit England some time. See my vacation spot here
New follower :) Happy reading!
Unknown said…
New follower!

I usually prefer the cold weather anyway :)

veela-valoom said…
Beaches are too hot in the summer fo me. I've known a few people from Adelaide in my travels! Have always planned to get there someday.

My follow friday
Alison Can Read said…
Hopping through. Where is the Gold Coast? I assume it's somewhere in Australia.
My Hop
JustLikeThat said…
Ha, I guess I've never thought about the fact that it's winter across the world when I read questions like that :) Wow, I just Googled 'Gold Coast' and it looks *absolutely beautiful*. Wonder what it looks like in winter.

I have two big parks local to me, and the reason why I'd pick such a place is because there are so many hidden beauties to explore, and lovely little places to just sit under the sun, whilst the water flows nearby and read :) Simple, but still a pleasure.

Nice question!

~ Jay
Kathryn White said…
Hey, I know the feeling. Sometimes all we need is that little bit of sunshine!
Kathryn White said…
Yes, any excuse to curl up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate is fine with me. I'd like to visit England one day too, and see the birthplaces of some of my favourite authors such as Dickens and the Bronte sisters. And then I'd be off to London to ride on a double decker bus, because I'm such a tourist.
Kathryn White said…
Yeah, cold weather has its advantages. I quite like the rain.
Kathryn White said…
You should definitely stop by Adelaide sometime. March is the best time to visit--the weather is good and there are lots of festivals and other events on. (We're kind of quiet for the other eleven months of the year ...)
Kathryn White said…
Hi Alison! The Gold Coast is in Queensland; it's about an hours drive south of Brisbane. Beautiful spot. Good beaches, great surf and some theme parks. (I'm not sure how keen I am on the latter, but its all part of the experience.) A few b-grade movies like The House of Wax and Scooby-Doo were filmed there in the mid-2000s.
Kathryn White said…
Thanks Jay. Sometimes the simple pleasures in life are the best. I live not so far from the beach and I'll sometimes each lunch in the park across the road from the beach. It's a great place to write, or if I'm really lacking inspiration, there are some antique stores nearby. (Funny how old clothing, books or objects can inspire me to write.) Also I work in the city and often travel to the markets before or after work, or at lunchtimes--such a huge variety of people and cultures there. I don't get much "quality" writing done when I'm in these places, but often my best ideas will come to me while I'm out and about exploring.
I will definitely have to look into Golds Coast!

Thanks for hopping by for FF!

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